Monday, September 30, 2019

Spot Welding Is A Process Engineering Essay

Topographic point welding is a procedure when acquiring in touch with metal surface are truly joined up with by the heat obtained from opposition to electricity current flow. Work-pieces take topographic point together under force per unit area exerted by electrode. Normally the sheet come into the 0.5 to 3 millimeters thickness figure. The procedure uses non one but two forms copper metal electrodes to concentrate welding current as a little ispoti and to boot to at the same time clamp the sheet together. Pushing a large current through the topographic point will run the metal and to boot organize the dyer's rocket. The sum of energy is picked to accommodate the sheetis stuff qualities, it thickness, and to boot sort of electrode. Applying besides small energy wonit melt the steel or can do a hapless dyer's rocket. Applying besides much energy can run excessively much steel and besides do a hole alternatively of a dyer's rocket [ 1 ] . Topographic point welding involves three phases ; the 1st phase that involves the electrodes being brought to the texture of the metal and besides using a minor sum of force per unit area level.The current from the electrodes is so used rapidly. Soon after the current is removed, the electrodes stay put in topographic point to let the stuff to chill. Weld times vary from 0.01 sec to 0.63 sec harmonizing to the thickness of the metal, the electrode force plus the size of the electrodes. The equipment found in the topographic point welding procedure is made up of tool holders and to boot electrodes. The tool holders work since a scheme to keep the electrodes strongly put in topographic point and in add-on support optional H2O hosieries that cool the electrodes during the class of welding. The electrodes by and large are truly manufactured a low opposition metal, normally Cu and are structured in many different types and dimensions this depends on the application needed. Design of experiments ( DOE ) is a techniques which allow a interior decorators to find at the same clip a synergistic effects of the factors which effected the green goods any design. Design of experiments ( DOE ) will assist to find the delicate parts and besides sensitive countries within a characteristics. The interior decorator are so able to rectify these troubles and besides acquire the finest parametric quantity of design. Response surface methodological analysis ( RSM ) explores the committedness between explanatory variables and response variable in statistic. Response surface methodological analysis ( RSM ) is a sequence of design of experiments ( DOE ) to acquire some kind of optimum response. It is equal to find that explanatory variables have some sort of consequence on the involvement of reaction variables. 1.2 Problem Statement Resistance topographic point welding ( RSW ) is easy the most effectual procedure for fall ining both tantamount and to boot dissimilar metals. Resistance topographic point welding is systematically utilized in the vehicle industries for organic structure assembly production lines. The major benefits associated with topographic point welding are effectual energy utilized, and to boot high production velocities. To maximise the power and besides high quality of welding, the welding parametric quantity will be investigated. A small alteration of the parametric quantity can act upon all of the some other parametric quantities. The primary parametric quantity for topographic point welding is welding current, welding clip, push, and hold clip. These yearss, the full universe faces of energy crisis and environmental issues, energy economy and besides wellbeing have become the most of import issues for auto devising industry. To obtain these aims, weight loss is the most effectual to do the fast development and application of advanced high strength steels. In this research, DP600 is decidedly an Advanced High Strength Steel ( AHSS ) have been picked to obtain the optimal parametric quantities for the topographic point welding to finding the criterion of the dyer's rocket nugget development given that character of the stuff like light organic structure weight, low ratio of output power to tensile strength, high work solidifying capacity and besides good energy soaking up. The great formability of DP600 permits the users to better the strength of the constituents. Subsequently, the merchandises can be made stronger and to boot less unsafe under burden. Resistance topographic point welding is a cardinal engineering in vehicle assembly industries that the attack is fast and besides easy weld tonss of stuff combination which are difficult to fall in by some other welding procedure. The weld ability of different stuffs such as advanced high strength steel DP600 and to boot low C metal is to look into the quality of the nugget development because of the creative activity of hardness, tensile strength. This surveies will be to research the impact of opposition topographic point welding ( RSW ) parameters this sort of as welding current, welding clip, force and hold clip sing the development of nugget formation, focused on top of weld nugget and Heat Affected Zone ( HAZ ) . 1.3 Objective Of Study The chief intent of this survey: I. To happen the optimal parametric quantity to optimise the size of dyer's rocket nugget and Heat Affected Zone ( HAZ ) in order to obtain a good quality of Resistance Spot Welding utilizing Factorial Design and Response Surface Methodology ( RSM ) . II. To developed a mathematical theoretical account to foretell the size of dyer's rocket nugget and Heat Affected Zone ( HAZ ) utilizing Response Surface Methodology ( RSM ) 1.4 Significance of the Undertaking The development mathematical theoretical accounts can be efficaciously used to foretell the size of dyer's rocket zone which can better the welding quality and public presentation in Response Surface Methodology ( RSM ) . 1.5 Scope of Study The range of research will be study with the opposition topographic point welding procedure utilizing Factorial Design and Response Surface Methodology ( RSM ) to happen the optimal parametric quantities to optimise the size of dyer's rocket nugget and Heat Affected Zone. The stuff used is DP600 advanced high strength steel 1.0mm thickness combined with low C steel 1.0mm thickness. The machine used is C- guns type diameter 6mm. The electrode Cu alloys item as below: Alloy RWMA Class Hard Elec. Cond & A ; Desc Use To Weld CMW 3 2 83B 85 % CU + CHROMIUM CRS & A ; GENERAL WELDING The microscope used is LEICA DM 6000 which is the compound light microscope. It normally binocular ( two oculars ) . The compound light microscope combines the power of lenses and visible radiation to enlarge the topic being viewed. The ocular allows for 10x or 15x magnification and when combined with three or four aim lenses which can be rotated into the field of position and bring forth higher magnification to a upper limit of around 1000x by and large. In the lab of stuff, microscope is used to watch and catch the image of size dyer's rocket nugget and Heat Affected Zone ( HAZ ) utilizing IMAPS package that connected to the computer.. Chapter II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction of Resistance Spot Welding ( RSW ) Resistance Spot Welding is a procedure when steel surface are truly joined up with extremely used inside the automotive constructive application for many working old ages for the fiction of sheet metal assemblies. The attack can be used for fall ining sheet stuffs and besides takes advantage of molded Cu metal electrodes to do usage of force per unit area degree and besides convey the electric power current through the work piece. Heat is developed largely during the user interface between non one but two sheets, bit by bit doing the stuff being welded to run, organizing a liquefied pool and the dyer's rocket nugget. The liquefied pool is contained by the force per unit area degree used by the electrode tip every bit good as the environment solid steel. The opposition topographic point welding contains the advantage that is high velocity and to boot suitableness for mechanization. Figure 1: Resistance Spot Welding Machine with Work [ 3 ] The size and to boot form of the personally created dyer's rockets are limited chiefly by the graduated table and besides form of the electrode brushs. The dyer's rocket nugget signifiers at merely the resting surfaces, as shown in Figure 1, but does non widen in its entireness to the exterior surfaces. In point, the nugget have oning a right created location dyer's rocket is round or possibly elliptic in profile. Spacing between next place dyer's rockets or rows of place dyer's rockets needs to be plenty to avoid shunting or to maximum it with an acceptable sum. In Resistance Spot Welding ( RSW ) , methodological analysis is development to find the maximal welding conditions which enhance the endurance of joint parts. Response Surface Methodology ( RSM ) used to construct up a strong effectual theoretical account to expect weld strength by integrating parametric quantities these as emphasis, weld clip every bit good as the others [ 7 ] . In this instance studied from diary that has conducted as per cardinal composite face centered design for topographic point welding of 0.2 and 0.3mm thick Cu and brass speciments. Response surface theoretical account interfaced with the Genetic Algorithm to optimise the welding conditions for coveted weld strength. The welding procedure of Cu and brass produced big heat affected zone ( HAZ ) and merger zone ( FZ ) . Figure 2: Conventional represent [ 7 ] Table 1: Variables for connection of Cu- brass specimens [ 7 ] In response surface method the of import is design of experiments. Identified the factors which have a important influence on dyer's rocket strength. It is weld force per unit area, weld clip, and amplitude of quiver of horn. For 0.2 and 0.3 millimeters thick copper-brass speciments to find upper limit and minimal value of welding parametric quantities big Numberss of test tallies. From the test runs the most suited parametric quantities were identified in table 1 above. Response surface theoretical account for weld strength is a collection of mathematical and statistical techniques utile for the mold and analysis of jobs in response of involvement is influenced by variables and the aim is to optimise thsi response [ 7 ] . Then developed mathematical theoretical accounts to foretell the dyer's rocket strength. For the experiments the equation is Where Lolo is the the response of weld strength, eleven is force per unit area, weld clip and amplitude, i0, ij, ijj and iij represent the invariable, additive, quadratic and interaction footings. For the topographic point welding equations like below: After 20 experiments are conducted at different degrees of parametric quantities the value of weld strength obtained from experiments and those predicted from response surface theoretical account along the design matrix. Table 2: Weld strength and RSM [ 7 ] Figure 3: Consequence of amplitude and weld clip on weld strength [ 7 ] Figure 4: Consequence of force per unit area and weld clip of weld strength [ 7 ] Figure 5: Consequence of amplitude and force per unit area on weld strength [ 7 ] And for another experiments that used Response Surface methodoogy ( RSM ) by topographic point welding that used aluminum as a specimen [ 8 ] . They investigated consequence between aluminum froth and the metal spot-welded colum. Based on their experiment. Numeric simulation and analytical theoretical accounts was developed to partition the energy soaking up quantitatively into the froth filter constituent and the chapeau subdivision constituent and the comparative part of each constituent to the synergistic consequence. Figure 6: conventional drawing of the topographic point welding-welded used in the experiment [ 8 ] Response Surface Methodology ( RSM ) is a method to understanding the correlativity between multiple input variables and end product variable. Figure 7: Comparison of the experiment and numerical consequence [ 8 ] Figure 8: Response surface of sea for the froth filled topographic point welded column [ 8 ] Figure 9: Response surface of peak force for the froth filled topographic point welded column [ 8 ] Table 3: Optimum froth filled square column [ 8 ] From the Response Face methodological analysis ( RSM ) they get the optimal value of the T = thickness, a = thickness, denseness, force per unit area and SEA. 2.1 Electrothermal Process of Welding In opposition welding, the heat are required to make the coherency is generated by using an electric current through the stack- up of sheets between the electrodes. So, the formation of a welded articulation, including the nugget diameter and the heat- affected zone ( HAZ ) , are decidedly depends on the electrical and thermic belongingss of the sheets and surfacing stuffs. The general look of heat generated in an electric circuit can be expressed as: Q= Ii Rt ( alteration of the Ohmis Law ) [ 3 ] where Q is heat ( Joule ) , I is current ( Ampere ) , R is electrical opposition of the circuit ( ohm, O ) and t is clip ( 2nd ) which is allowed to flux in the circuit. For opposition welding, the heat coevals at all location in a weldment is more relevant than, instead than the entire heat generated, as warming is non and should non be unvarying in the weldment. That means, consideration should more on the heat rate than the entire heat, as it will find the temperature history, and, in bend, the microstructure [ 3 ] . For illustration, sing an aluminium welding, runing may non be happen if the welding current applied is low, due to the low electrical electric resistance of aluminium. In general, the electric and thermic procedure should be considered together in welding. 2.2 Spot Welds Parameter 2.2.1 The parametric quantity 1. Electrode Force The electrode force is required to squash the metal sheets to be weld and joint together. This requires a big electrode force because the dyer's rocket quality would non be good plenty. However, the force must non be excessively big as it might do other jobs. When the electrode force is increased the heat energy will diminish. So, the higher electrode force needed a higher weld current. When weld current becomes excessively high, splatter will happen between electrodes and sheets. This will do the electrodes to acquire stuck to the sheet. 2. Squeeze Time Squeeze Time is the clip interval between the initial application of the electrode force on the work and the first application of current. Squeeze clip is necessary to detain the weld current until the electrode force has attained the coveted degree [ 3 ] . 3. Weld or Heat Time Weld clip is the clip during which welding current is applied to the metal sheets. The weld clip is measured and adjusted in rhythms of line electromotive force as with all timing maps. As the dyer's rocket clip is, more or less, related to what is required for the dyer's rocket topographic point, it is hard to give an exact value of the optimal weld clip. For case: i Weld clip should be every bit short as possible. i The dyer's rocket parametric quantities should be chosen to give as small erosion of the electrodes as possible. ( short dyer's rocket clip. ) . i The dyer's rocket clip shall do the nugget diameter to be large when welding thick sheets. i The dyer's rocket clip might hold to be adjusted to suit the welding equipment in instance it does non carry through the demands for the dyer's rocket current and the electrode force. ( A longer weld clip might be needed. ) . i The dyer's rocket clip shall do the indenture due to the electrode to be every bit little as possible. ( a short dyer's rocket clip. ) . i The dyer's rocket clip shall be adjusted to welding with automatic tip-dressing, where the size of the electrode contact surface can be kept at a changeless value. ( a shorter welding clip. ) [ 3 ] . 4. Keep Time Hold clip is the clip, after the welding and occurred when the electrodes are still applied to the sheet to chill the dyer's rocket ( clip that force per unit area is maintained after dyer's rocket is made. ) . Hold clip is necessary to let the dyer's rocket nugget to solidify before let go ofing the welded parts, but it must non be to long as this may do the heat in the dyer's rocket topographic point to distribute to the electrode and heat it. The electrode will so acquire more open to have on. Further, if the clasp clip is excessively long and the C content of the stuff is high ( more than 0.1 % ) , there is a hazard the dyer's rocket will go brickle. [ 3 ] 5. Weld Current The dyer's rocket current is used during welding is being made. The sum of weld current is controlled by two things ; foremost, the scene of the transformer pat switch determines the maximal sum of weld current available ; back the per centum of current control determines the per centum of the available current to be used for doing the dyer's rocket. Low per centum of current scenes is non usually recommended because it might impact the quality of the dyer's rocket. Proper welding current can be obtained with the per centum current set between 70 and 90 per centum by seting the pat switch. The weld current should be kept every bit low as possible. When finding the current to be used, the current is bit by bit increased until weld splatter occurs between the metal sheets. This indicates that the right dyer's rocket current has been reached. Weld current besides influences the value of nugget diameter. Different value of current, it will bring forth different dimension of the nugget di ameter [ 3 ] . Figure 10: Welding Cycle The welding processes in opposition topographic point welding have 5 rhythm procedure as shown in the Figure 10. The first rhythm is the squeezing clip, where force per unit area from the electrode force is applied to the workpiece. The 2nd rhythm is weld clip, this procedure where the current is on and the welding current is applied in the metal sheets to run the sheet metal for the welding procedure. Then, postheat clip, the current hold at the low degree. The 4th rhythm is cool clip. This rhythm allow the thaw nugget diameter to solidify before the let go ofing the welded parts and in conclusion the off clip rhythm, the electrode force applied on the sheets metal is released the welding procedure is done. 2.3 Material belongingss 2.3.1 Introduction of Advanced High Strength Steel ( AHSS ) DP600 is one of the Advanced High Strength Steel ( AHSS ) for the automotive industry that have enhanced ductileness and formability [ 4 ] . DP600 normally used in the industry of rider auto and commercial vehicle wheels. It is to cut down weight and increasing service life and made of the typical belongingss of theese stuffs for upper limit used. 2.3.2 Basic Properties Mechanical Properties Table 4: mechanical belongingss for DP600 [ 4 ] Chemical Composition Table 5: Chemical Compostion for DP600 [ 4 ] Dimension Table 6: Dimension for DP600 [ 4 ] 2.3.3 Advantages of High Strength Steel ( DP600 ) High strength steel ( DP600 ) are prodominantly used in automotive industries because of many advantages such as below [ 4 ] : I. Low ratio of output strength to tensile stength. II. Work-hardening capacity is high. III. Good energy soaking up characteristic to supply clang public presentation in structural. IV. Product stronger and safer under burden. V. Good bake indurating responce that organizing the output strength in the formed countries is significantly increased. Chapter III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.0 Methodology of The Undertaking Methodology really is a systematic research of system and besides group of process. In this survey, so there are consist of many measure. Figure 3 below shown a methodological analysis for this undertaking. 3.1 Detail of methodological analysis 3.1.1 Information Gathering In information assemblage every associated information on topographic point welding, and besides information utilized was really gathered to supply farther cognition. All of the associated information is get from all the web, diary, and library along with the some other resources. It is critical understands the theory and besides predating option. 3.1.2 Design of experiment Design of Experiment is decidedly an advancement to assist better design functional public presentation that to cut down rhythm clip for you developed procedures [ 5 ] . Design of experiment is a assortment of trial to alter the input variable ( parametric quantity ) to larn and besides identififying the end product alteration inside the production response. Then analyze the consequence of procedure to obtain the optimal value or parametric quantities which consequence to the attack. Figure 11 Figue 4 shown an case theoretical account of process that shown an sum of uncontrolled factor which are distinct, for illustration differences machine or operators and to boot similar ambient temperature or humidness. Screening Design and Full Factorial Design Screening design is to find which factor and consequence which are of import. When have 2-4 factors and can execute a full factorial. Full factorial design in two degree. Full factorial design ia a conventional experimental design with all input factors set at two degrees each. These degrees is called ihighi and ilowi or +1 and -1. A consolidation of all the input factors is called full factorial design in two degree [ 6 ] . If there are thousand factors at 2 degrees, full factorial design has 2? tallies. Table 7: Example Number of run 2? Full Factorial Number of Factors Number of Runs 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 Aim of factorial design as below: 1. To place factors which important effects on the response. 2. To place interations between the factors. 3. To place which factors is the most importance effects on the response. 4. To make up one's mind whether farther probe of a factoris consequence is set up. 5. To look into the functional assurance of a response on multiple factors at the same time. Response Surface Methodology Response surface Methodology ( RSM ) investigated relationships between critical variables and response variables. Objective of RSM is to utilize a patterned advance of designed experiments to obtain an optimum response. Below is illustration of RSM: Figure 12: Response surface iPeaki Figure 13: Response surface iHillsidei Figure 14: Response surface iRising ridgei Figure 15: Response surface isaddlei Mathematical Method The mathematical theoretical account interact procedure parametric quantities and their interations with response parametric quantity will be refined harmonizing to the experimental consequence. These theoretical account will be used to expect the size of dyer's rocket zone which can better the welding quality and public presentation in Resistance Spot Welding. The most common theoretical accounts accommodate to the experimental informations take either a additive equation. A additive theoretical account with two factors X1 and X2 such as below: Y = i0 + i1X1 + i2X2 + i12X1X2 + experimental mistake Yttrium is the response for given degrees of the chief consequence X1 and X2 and X1X2 is included for undetermined interation consequence between X1 and x2. Constant i0 is the response of Yttrium when both chief consequence are 0 [ 6 ] . The progress of utilizing DOE is that can provides an accession organized which it possible to dissertation both simple and recognize experimental job. The experiment is to choose convenient aim, and so execute a set of experiment. That DOE can obtain more utile and more precise information about the surveies system. The joint influence of all factors is estimated [ 5 ] 3.1.3 Experiment procedure The experiment is concentrate to find the radius of liquefied zone or dyer's rocket nugget and Heat Affected Zone ( HAZ ) . The diameter of dyer's rocket nugget and Heat Affected Zone ( HAZ ) is measured by captured the image of the specimen by the microscope. All the parametric quantity such as welding clip, the diameter of tips, weld current, and force will be varied in the experiment. All the consequence with different parametric quantity will be record to look into nugget development focused on dyer's rocket nugget and Heat Affected Zone ( HAZ ) . The process for this experiment to fix the sample of specimen are: a ) Film editing. B ) Molding. degree Celsius ) Grinding. vitamin D ) Polishing. vitamin E ) Etching. degree Fahrenheit ) Invetigate weld nugget and HAZ size utilizing microscope. 3.1.4 Decision After acquire the optimal consequence, the hardness and strength has to be verification by tensile trial, and hardness trial, the decision from this undertaking is verify and the undertaking is 100 % complete. 3.1.5 Thesis authorship After the decision reached, thesis authorship is needed to finish the undertaking. All the procedure and information from this undertaking from the start util the terminal is to be record and roll up together as a book. Chapter IV BASIC CONCEPT AND ANALYTICAL SOLUTION 4.0 Introduction Resistance topographic point welding ( RSW ) is a procedure when metal surface was approached are joined by the heat obtained from opposition to electrical current flow. Work-pieces take topographic point together under force per unit area degree exerted by electrodes. The attack was applied non one but two shaped mineral metal electrodes to concentrate welding current as a small â€Å" topographic point † and to boot to clamp the sheets together. Pushing a large current through the topographic point will run the metal and to boot organize the dyer's rocket. The redundancy of location welding is a batch of energy can experience delivered to the topographic point in a really short period of clip. Particularly, the parametric quantities play a powerful significance character of topographic point welding in finding the high quality of dyer's rocket nugget and to boot Heat Affected Zone ( HAZ ) . Any individual parametric quantities will hold to be preferred with the work done. 4.1 Variables in welding procedure There are legion factors involves in topographic point welding that are categorized since a procedure variables. The parametric quantities of procedure variables are as follow: Weld current Squeeze clip Weld clip Hold clip Electrode force 4.1.1 Weld current A current of 10000 As had been non readily available from any standard electric power mercantile establishment. 32 As is the maximal current available from common domestic and besides workplace mercantile establishments. 200 As are typical of the current available from electric entry circuits inside the industries really in mills big degrees of electric energy are utilized. Subsequently, in mill peculiarly utilised opposition welding to acquire 10000 As, some device demands to be ever option the current up from all the moderately low grade available from the energy business [ 9 ] . The merchandise that normally utilized is a transformer. Transformers can step current up or possibly down. A transformer has a twosome of spirals of wire, called the primary and besides secondary, injure around a strong Fe nucleus. The power is transferred from primary to secondary via the magnetic properties of the Fe [ 9 ] . The current is stepped up or possibly down will be to about equal the ratio between the Numberss of bend of the wire within the spiral [ 9 ] . 4.1.2 Squeeze clip Squeeze clip is the clip interval amongst the initial application of the electrode force sing the work along with the first application of current. The control of the squeezing clip is the clip interval stuck between sequence inductions and to boot originating of weld current. It is required to wait the weld current until electrode thrust has got accrued to the desired degree [ 9 ] . 4.1.3 Weld clip Weld clip is the clip during the class of the current is application to the work in doing a dyer's rocket. Weld clip calculated in rhythms of line electromotive force as are truly all of the timing characteristics. One rhythm is 1/60 of the 2nd in a 60 Hz power system [ 9 ] . 4.1.4 Hold clip Hold clip is whenever electrode force is maintained in the work after the concluding urge of welding current. Hold clip are truly required to allow the dyer's rocket nugget to indurate prior to let go ofing the welded parts [ 9 ] . 4.1.5 Electrode force Electrode force is the consequence of air force per unit area used to the air Piston linked straight to the caput. The sum of electrode force depends on top of the effectual air force per unit area, weight of caput, and Piston diameter. The expression to measure the electrode force is as below: Electrode force = 0.78 x D2 x P or p ten D2/4 x P D is the Piston Diameter in millimeter P is the air force per unit area in kilogram per millimeter square Electrode Force is in N ( Newton ) The does non let for dead weights and to boot clash. It might likely be needed when altering electrode demand from a value to some other greatly different value to re-adjust the velocity control valves. Too slow the attack wastes clip and to boot may necessitate a batch longer squeeze clip. Too fast an attack influences the electrodes and to boot shortens their being, and besides can besides damage the electrode holders or possibly caput. When projection welding, high impacts will damage the projection prior to welding and to boot give you hapless projection dyer's rockets even if every one of the different scenes is right [ 9 ] . 4.2 Electrodes The opposition topographic point welding machine typically utilised Cu metal electrodes. There are two electrodes in each location welding machine that are upper electrode and besides lower electrode. In this analysis the size of the electrodes utilized is 6mm. The electrode have three chief map. The map of electrodes as follow: To run current to the work pieces being welded To reassign the right force per unit area degree or possibly force to the work pieces to bring forth a good dyer's rocket To assist disperse temperature from all the part being welded. 4.2.1 Conducting Current The primary map of electrodes will be fire weld current through the work piece. By taking into history the committedness among current, electromotive force and to boot opposition, it turns out to be a good of import thing to pay out attending to the type of electrodes utilised. The electrodes are truly produced wholly from high opposition stuff causes they receives so hot because they had melt before the current even had a opportunity to flux right through the work piece. It is critical to vouch that the electrodes used are suited sizes that are match to the application required. The appropriate size of electrode is wholly depends with the sum of demand being induced to the work piece. 4.2.2 Transmitting Force The different work of the electrodes is by suggested of mechanized. The sum of force had to do a good dyer's rocket is different, depends with the sort of metal being welded every bit good as other facets. As electrodes are truly normally with the small side, therefore it is important to choose electrodes which are able to defy with the forces had to bring forth a good dyer's rocket nugget. The forces used are inversely relative to the opposition. It signifies which more forces will outcome less opposition and to boot more opposition can ensue less forces needed. Force even allows you to do the dyer's rocket in good status because it is being created. As the current creates temperature, the steel of work piece starts to melt. When metal thaws, it can drip to anyplace and to boot exploded from the work piece. The appropriate dyer's rocket push is needed to avoid this first-class state of affairss being gone incorrect. The forces can do the molten metal to stay put, hence can solidified and to boot cool to organize weld nugget. 4.2.3 Cooling the Workpiece Electrodes can acquire rather a spot hot with 10-20 KA or possibly more continuously fluxing under 100s of force. Presently, most welders have some kind of internally H2O chilling system which empowers H2O to go around through the tips of the electrodes while dyer's rockets are being created. But the trouble is a doomed, wrecked or improperly size air conditioning H2O pipe. Without anything to chill down the tips, heat can fleetly construct to the point where the electrodes could bit by bit weld to the work pieces. To rectify this issue, H2O pipe must be put in the electrodes so that the inbound cold H2O can strikes the finest facet of the electrode foremost [ 10 ] . 4.3 Full Factorial Design A factorial design is regarded as the common option to larn the terminal consequence of a twosome or more private variables, though the focal point on characteristics which have entirely non one but two separate factors for simpleness. In a factorial design, all of the degrees of each private variable are truly matched with every one of the sums of the assorted other separate factors to bring forth all of the possibility fortunes. In a factorial design, two degrees of the first independent variable would be combined with two degrees of the 2nd to bring forth four distinguishable conditions. In this research it would be called a 2Ãâ€"4 factorial design because there are four independent variables, each of these has two degrees. In a 2Ãâ€"4 design, there might hold eight distinguishable conditions [ 16 ] . A full factorial experiment can be analyzed utilizing ANOVA or arrested development analysis. It is comparatively easy to gauge the chief consequence for a factor. To calculate out the chief consequence of a factors. Assorted other utile explorative analysis tools for factorial experiments consist of chief effects secret plans, interaction secret plans, and a normal chance secret plan of the estimated effects. At two-level factorial designs assume that the effects are linearIf in instance a quadratic influence is expected for a factor, a more ambitious experiment must be utilised, like a cardinal blend design. Optimization of factors which possibly have quadratic effects is the chief end of reaction surface methodological analysis. 4.4 Responce Surface Methadology Response surface methods ( RSM ) provide statistical tools for design and analysis of experiments anticipated at procedure optimisation. At the concluding phases of procedure development, RSM illustrated the sweet topographic point where high output of in peculiar merchandises can be achieved. It produces statistically validated premonition theoretical accounts and, with the counsel of specialised package, response surface maps that point the manner to apogee of procedure public presentation. Before manipulate Response surface methodological analysis ( RSM ) , should take full advantage of a far simpler tool for design of experiment two-level factorials, which can be really impressive for testing the cardinal few factors included interactions from the insignificant that have no important impact [ 17 ] . Response surface methodological analysis ( RSM ) inspect the relationships beween analytical variables and one more response variables. Response Surface methodological analysis is a patterned advance of factorial design to obtain an optimum response. The first degree manner to gauge the theoretical account is utilizing a factorial experiment or a fractional factorial designs. This method is acceptable to find which analytical variables have an impact on the response variables. After estimated that, the peculiar important explanatory factors are truly left, so estimated the 2nd grade theoretical account. Then, optimise a response on the 2nd grade theoretical account [ 16 ] . 4.5 Analytic Solution Analytic option is a method which utilize mathematic as a chief component so as to work out the issue. There are many sorts of analytic option by signifies of structural, electrothermal, electromagnetic, computational fluid kineticss and so on. Every of these methods are utilised to work out the moral force and besides physical job of any building. These solutions even use to work out the trouble that involved the complex portion in organic structure construction. 4.5.1 Heat Generation The entire heat coevals rate, Qg can be described as: – [ 12 ] Where R = Rw + Rc + Re Rw: workpiece majority opposition Rc: entire contact opposition Rhenium: electrode opposition I: welding current Welding clip The heat of merger required for nugget formation, hafnium is [ 13 ] Where Hydrogen: heat of merger per unit volume : Nugget volume ( ) The entire heat loss can be described in three different parts with lumped measures. The entire heat loss: [ 11 ] Where = denseness = specific heat = volume = temperature rise n = in nugget s = in environing vitamin E = in electrodes Therefore, the entire heat balance including the entire heat loss rate, through the theoretical account boundaries can be written as follows: – The above equation can be rearranged as By pretermiting the heat loss and temperature rise in the electrodes and the temperature rise in the surrounding, the equation becomes 4.5.2 Effect of Geometry and Heat Loss By sing the entire heat loss, the old equation alterations to changeless The entire heat loss rate of the nugget, is the amount of the axial heat loss rate through the electrodes, and the radial heat loss through the workpiece. Then, the axial loss rate [ 11 ] Where: thermic conduction : thaw temperature : interface temperature at workpiece : distance from runing interface to electrode contact surface : nugget radius. The heat required for temperature rise in environing nugget stuff is determined by the heat flux out of the nugget and the heat coevals in environing stuff itself. The temperature distribution in this part is assumed to be determined by when the nugget growing to sufficient size. If the heat loss through the workpiece is assumed to be relative to the country of the nugget side wall, so Where: characteristic surrounding temperature : feature heat diffusion length The thermic conduction includes in the heat loss equation alterations with temperature while the interface temperature is besides affected by geometry and interfacial feature. This is besides affected by heat coevals due to the electrical electric resistance alteration with temperature. [ 11 ] The comparing of heat loss in axial and radial way can be determined by the growing of the nugget. The ratio of axial heat loss to the radial heat loss is given by: By presuming that the nugget size is straight relative to the geometry of the electrode and the thickness, so Where: incursion : concluding incursion to workpiece thickness ratio : electrode contact surface radius Then, the concluding ratio becomes, By presuming that the nugget front revises its place at every half rhythm or ( 1/120 sec ) in AC welding, so the ratio becomes The entire heat loss can be described as a map of: [ 11 ] 4.5.3 The Principle of Electrical Distribution The rate of heat coevals depends upon the flow of current, in amperes, through the opposition of the stuff. Other electrical factors, such as electromotive force, frequence and power factor, enter into consideration merely with regard to their uniformity. They affect merely the value of the current. Harmonizing to Ohmis Law: Where: current : electromotive force bead across the electrodes : opposition through the stuff in Ohm The entire heat in Watt-seconds is generated in the welding electrodes is expressed by Or ; Where T is clip in 2nd. [ 14 ] 4.5.4 Formulation for Electric Analysis In two dimensional jobs the regulating equation of the electric possible distribution is expressed by the Laplace equation [ 15 ] : ( ? ^2i ) / ( ? x^2 ) + ( ? ^2i ) / ( ? y^2 ) =0 Where i = i ( x, Y, T ) is the electrical potency as a map of co-ordinates and clip. The finite element transition of this equation can be formulated in the same manner as in the 3-dimensional analysis, and there are two sorts of boundary conditions to be specified in the electric analysis: i=i_0 On the boundaries in contact with the power supply with known possible i_0 and ( ? i ) / ? n=0 on the free boundaries, where N denotes the normal way of a boundary. After finding the possible distribution, the current denseness can be calculated as , J_y=-1/ ? ( ? i ) / ? Y Where J is current denseness and? is electric electric resistance. The heat coevals rate per unit volume is calculated utilizing the expression Q= ? iJ^2 4.5.5 Formulation of Thermal Analysis The regulating differential equation for planar transient heat conductivity with an internal heat beginning is: / ? ten ( k? T/ ? ten ) + ? / ? Y ( k? T/ ? Y ) +Q= ? iC? T/ ? T Where T is the temperature as a map of co-ordinates and clip, K is the thermic conduction, ? is the mass denseness, and C is the heat capacity per unit mass. The three types of boundary conditions involved are T=T0 On the boundaries with the specified temperatures, -k? T/ ? n=0 On the lines of symmetricalness, and -k? T/ ? n=h ( T-T_e ) On the free surfaces, the effectual heat exchange is taken into history. H is the convection heat transportation rate of the environing air, and Te is the ambient temperature. [ 15 ] . Chapter V STATISTICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 5.0 Introduction to MINITAB package Minitab are the package that pattern statistics bundle. Minitab sofware green goods by Minitab Inc that headquartered at Pennsylvania State university by a Barbara F.Ryan Thomas A. Ryan, Jr and brian l. Joiner in 1972. The intent of the minitab is to spreadsheet for better analysis for informations and file direction. It besides can regression analysis, power and sample size and create tabular arraies and graphs for the experiments. For many variables that is used it can multivariate analysis that include factor analysis, bunch analysis and corresponce analysis. And it besides functional to analysis the discrepancy to find the difference between the information points. In this research, practicality of minitab package is to plan of experiment and testing design or factorial design to place which factor that consequence the response variables. Factorial design is to plan the experiment where the input factors are ste at two degree each. The intent of the factorial design is to place the important consequence on the response, place the interaction of the factors, place the factors hat have most importance effects on the response, to make up one's mind for the farther probe that which factors should to be bead in causes the factor is non important. 5.1 Design of Experiment process The building of the design of experiment is carried out in MINITAB package. the measure procedures to make the desgin of experiment are provided in the sub-section as follows: 5.1.1 Launch and Creation of New File To establish the MINITAB16, open the MINITAB16 booklet and choose the MINITAB16 icon. Once file is opened the panel like figure 5.1 will look. Figure 5.1: MINITAB 16 Screen After the panel appear, create the new file by snaping on the file and choice New as shown in the figure 5.2 below. Figure 5.2: Created new file 5.1.2 Create factorial design To make factorial design, chink at start button so choice DOE, factorial so Create Factorial design as shown in figure 5.3 below: Figure 5.3: Create Factorial Design Since we haved 4 factors which are weld current, weld clip, hold clip and force select 4 figure of factors and chink at 2 degree factorial. Figure 5.4: Choice no of factors Figure 5.5: Choice no of Center Points Per Block Figure 5.6: Choice 4 factors and a6 no of tally 5.1.3 Enter the high an depression of the factors Click the factor button and the rename the factors are used and the enter the high and low value of the factors. For the dyer's rocket current the units used is kA ( Ampere ) , weld clip is rhythm, hold clip besides in rhythm and force in kN. Where the equation of rhythm to change over to 2nd is 1/Frequency ten cycles/sec = seconds. 5.7: Enter the high and low of the factors After that chink on the option button and consequence and merely snap Oklahoma. Figure 5.8: Option and Consequence 5.1.4 Table of the experiment is created After the measure is finished, in conclusion click OK button so the tabular array as shown in figure 5.9 is created. The agreements of the experiment is indiscriminately create by the package. For the experiment parametric quantities and the agreement is harmonizing to the tabular array. Figure 5.9: The Table of Eperiment 5.2 Experimental Procedure Procedures In this research all the experiment procedure all done in the workshop and stuff scientific discipline research lab. The procedure of experiment was done by utilizing all the equipment in the module. First, the natural stuff of mild steel have taken from machining workshop. And for DP600, this stuff have been order from PROTON Holdings Berhad. This sheet steel so being cut by utilizing shearing machine as ( Figure 5.10 ) in the machining workshop. The size and form of the specimen have been decided from the diary and the article to acquire the exactly consequence. Therefore, the size of the specimen that have been cut is 110mm ( length ) x 25mm ( breadth ) as shown in ( Figure 5.11 ) . Figure 5.10: Shearing Machine Figure 5.11: specimen After finished cutting procedure, the specimen will be clean by wire coppice utilizing the bomber as ( Figure 5.12 ) to take the dust or the oils. Figure 5.12: Bomber with wire coppice After the specimen is ready, it will be welded at the PROTON Holdings Berhad. The machine used is the portable welding machine C- gun type as ( Figure 5.13 ) . the power transformer capacity for portable welding machines is the primary dyer's rocket electromotive forces is 415 V/ 50 Hz, maximal input is 450 kVA for one welding transformer, and maximal welding current is 18 Ka. Figure 5.13: Welding machine After the specimen have been welded ( Figure 5.14 ) , it will travel through a procedure to find the radius of dyer's rocket nugget. The procedure will be conducted in the stuff scientific discipline research lab. First the welded sheet steel will be cut by utilizing cutting machine ( figure 5.15 ) . This subdivision of the procedure must be done carefully and the film editings must be at the centre of dyer's rocket nugget where the centre of the dyer's rocket nugget is the maximal diameter of the dyer's rocket nugget. Figure 5.14: Welded sheet metal Figure 5.15: Stonecutter machine After the film editing procedure has been done, the little pieces of the dyer's rocket nugget has to be mounted by utilizing mounting machine ( Figure 5.16 ) . the procedure will takes about 20 proceedingss to complete one climb. ( Figure 5.17 ) shown the specimen after mounting procedure. Figure 5.16: Climb machine Figure 5.17: After mounting procedure After finished the mounting procedure, the specimens will grined utilizing swot machine ( Figure 5.18 ) . The crunching procedure must be grind by utilizing five type os sand paper. The type of sand paper are 240, 320, 400, 600, and 1200. The the specimens must be polished utilizing Polish machine ( Figure 5.19 ) in four phases. After that the specimen will be etched by utilizing ifry regenti liquid as ( Figure 5.20 ) . At this point, the welded nugget will be on position with our bare eyes. Figure 5.18: Grind machine Figure 5.19: Polish machine Figure 5.20: iFry regenti liquid Finally, the finished specimen as shown in ( Figure 5.21 ) will be taken to the microscope LEICA DM 6000 ( Figure 5.22 ) . The microscope is connected to the computing machine which used package to take the image of the specimen. The dyer's rocket nugget size and Heat Affected zone ( HAZ ) will be measured by this package. The package used is IMAPS Ver. 4.0 Professional Edition. Figure 5.21: specimen Figure 5.22: The microscope LEICA DM 6000 IMAPS is an image analyser package that functional to see and dimensional the macrostructure. The important of this package is to detect the macrostructure of stuff. 5.2 IMAPS Software Procedure First, launch IMAPS as shown in Figure 5.23 below. Figure 5.23: Image IMAPS Software After that, choose on the picture so choice prevue on as shown in Figure 5.24 below. Figure 5.24: Choice prevue On After the package is preview on, puting the fokus of the image on the microscope sunburn click the gaining control button to capture the image of the specimen as shown in Figure 5.25 below. Figure 5.25: Image captured After image is captured, snap the horizontal length button to mensurate the length of the dyer's rocket nugget and Heat Affected Zone shown on figure 5.26 below. Figure 5.26: Click Horizontal Length Button When the horizontal length button is clicked, the line would look to mensurate the length of dyer's rocket nugget and heat affected zone ( HAZ ) . The distance of the length weld nugget and heat affected zone ( HAZ ) will be calculated automatically by the package shown in Figure 5.27 below. Once the dyer's rocket nugget is measured, stamp button must be clicked to stomp the measuring and so follow up to measured heat affected zone. The radius of dyer's rocket nugget and heat affected zone so inserted into the tabular array in the MINITAB package. Figure 5.27: Measure length of dyer's rocket nugget and Heat Affected Zone ( HAZ ) Chapter VI RESULT AND DISCUSSION 6.1 PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES 6.1.1 PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OH 1.0 MM DP 600 Mechanical belongingss give look of the elastic and inelastic behaviour of a stuff when force is applied. The intent of mechanical trial is to demo whether a stuff or portion is suited for its intended mechanical applications by mensurating snap, tensile strength and elongation. To find the mechanical belongingss of a DP 600, tensile trial in used. The intent of tensile trial of DP 600 to guarantee that the output strength of DP600 achieved the criterion. First, before get downing the tensile trial must fix the specimen. DP 600 must be cut with the criterion of 1.0 millimeter thickness steel as shown in figure below. Figure 6.1 Tensile Test Procedure 1. Put gage grade on the specimen 2. Measure the initial length, thickness and size of the specimen. Thickness is 1 millimeter, breadth is 4 millimeter and length is 35 millimeter 3. Put the velocity. Speed used is 2 mm/min 4. Maximal burden is recorded in the computing machine The consequence of the tensile trial is shown in Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3 below. Figure 6.2: Graph of maximumm burden Figure 6.3: The Data of Tensile Test 6.2 Screening OF THE OPERATING PARAMETERS The design matrix and consequence of 24 fractional factorial design with 21 tallies included four parametric quantities which is weld current, weld clip, hold clip, and two response which is radius of dyer's rocket nugget and radius of heat affected zone are given in table 6.1. The experimental sequence which is standard order was randomized in order to minimise the unexpected variableness in the ascertained response. StdOrder RunOrder CenterPt Blocks Parameters Response weld current dyer's rocket clip force clasp clip weld nugget HAZ 17 1 0 1 8 15 2.5 3 2.827 3.444 13 2 1 1 6 10 3.5 4 2.341 3.157 2 3 1 1 10 10 1.5 2 2.815 3.415 19 4 0 1 8 15 2.5 3 2.827 3.440 11 5 1 1 6 20 1.5 4 2.242 3.252 9 6 1 1 6 10 1.5 4 2.265 3.010 16 7 1 1 10 20 3.5 4 3.205 3.552 12 8 1 1 10 20 1.5 4 3.188 3.315 3 9 1 1 6 20 1.5 2 2.364 3.237 6 10 1 1 10 10 3.5 2 3.166 3.535 10 11 1 1 10 10 1.5 4 2.821 3.414 20 12 0 1 8 15 2.5 3 2.807 3.475 5 13 1 1 6 10 3.5 2 2.308 3.157 18 14 0 1 8 15 2.5 3 2.827 3.445 1 15 1 1 6 10 1.5 2 2.255 3.072 14 16 1 1 10 10 3.5 4 3.165 3.445 4 17 1 1 10 20 1.5 2 3.195 3.325 8 18 1 1 10 20 3.5 2 3.215 3.558 7 19 1 1 6 20 3.5 2 2.355 3.380 15 20 1 1 6 20 3.5 4 2.345 3.387 21 21 0 1 8 15 2.5 3 2.807 3.445 Table 6.1 Figure 6.4 and figure 6.5 shown a normal chance secret plan of standardised effects of dyer's rocket nugget and heat affected zone ( HAZ ) at 5 % important degree utilizing Minitab package. Figure 6.4 suggest that the chief effects of weld current, weld clip and force as the interaction consequence the radius of dyer's rocket nugget. In return, figure 6.5 suggest that the chief effects of weld current, weld clip and force as the interaction consequence the radius of heat affected zone ( HAZ ) , the point that far from the line normally is a signal of of import effects. The normal chance secret plan identifited importance effects utilizing alpha 0.5. Figure 6.4 Figure 6.5 6.3 Regression Model Table 6.2 and Table 6.3 shows that the estimated coefficients ( coef ) of the variables footings in a arrested development theoretical account for radius dyer's rocket nugget and radius heat affected zone ( HAZ ) . Equation 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 shows coresponding standard divergence ( Sdcoef ) , t-statistic ( T ) and chance ( P ) values are determined at 5 % important degree. Variables footings with P & lt ; 0.05 for radius dyer's rocket nugget is A, B, C, AB, AC and BC and radius heat affected zone ( HAZ ) are A, B, C, AB and BC. These variables are considered as statically important of the responses. Consequently, all the important variables footings that correspond with the response for 2nd order multinomial theoretical account in coded are accelerated as: RADIUS WELD NUGGET: 2.70281+ 0.39344A + 0.06081B + 0.05969C + 0.04369AB + 0.03181AC – 0.04331BC ( 6.3.1 ) RADIUS HAZ: 3.32569 + 0.11919A + 0.05006B + 0.07069C – 0.05744AB + 0.02281BC ( 6.3.2 ) In the equation 6.3.1 and equation 6.3.2, the positive coefficients of the variables illustrated their mutual effects on the radius of dyer's rocket nugget and radius of HAZ. Meanwhile the negative coefficients illustrated their unfriendly consequence. Subsequently, the chief efect A ( weld current ) , B ( weld clip ) , and C ( force ) are the primary operating parametric quantities that influence the radius of dyer's rocket nugget. That is consequently to the diminishing significance of each variables respect to their consequence on radius dyer's rocket nugget which are A ~ B ~ C ~ AB ~ AC ~ CD ~ AD ~ D ~ BD ~ BD. For the variables term of radius HAZ, the diminishing significance variables respect to their consequence on radius HAZ is A ~ C ~ B ~ BC ~ BD ~ AC ~ CD ~ AD ~ D ~ AB. The chief variables A ( weld nugget ) , C ( force ) and B ( weld clip ) are the primary operating parametric quantities that influence radius HAZ. Table 6.2: Estimated coefficients of the arrested development theoretical account for radius of dyer's rocket nugget Term Coef SE ( Coef ) T P Changeless 2.70281 0.01407 192.10 0.000 Weld current, A 0.39344 0.01407 27.96 0.000 Weld clip, B 0.06081 0.01407 4.32 0.002 Force, C 0.05969 0.01407 4.24 0.664 Hold clip, D -0.00631 0.01407 -0.45 0.013 Weld current *weld clip, AB 0.04369 0.01407 3.10 0.050 Weld current*force, AC 0.03181 0.01407 2.26 0.740 Weld current*hold clip, AD 0.00481 0.01407 0.34 0.013 Weld time*force, BC -0.04331 0.01407 -3.08 0.404 Weld time*hold clip, BD -0.01231 0.01407 -0.88 0.592 Force*hold clip, Cadmium 0.00781 0.01407 0.56 0.003 Table 6.3: Estimated coefficients of the arrested development theoretical account for radius of HAZ Term Coef SE ( Coef ) T P Changeless 3.32569 0.007626 436.08 0.000 Weld current, A 0.11919 0.007626 15.63 0.000 Weld clip, B 0.05006 0.007626 6.56 0.000 Force, C 0.07069 0.007626 9.27 0.000 Hold clip, D -0.00919 0.007626 -1.20 0.259 Weld current *weld clip, AB -0.05744 0.007626 -7.53 0.000 Weld current*force, AC 0.00694 0.007626 0.91 0.387 Weld current*hold clip, AD -0.00419 0.007626 -0.55 0.596 Weld time*force, BC 0.02281 0.007626 2.99 0.015 Weld time*hold clip, BD 0.00994 0.007626 1.30 0.225 Force*hold clip, CD -0.00194 0.007626 -0.25 0.805 6.4 Model Competence Checking Table 6.4: Analysis of variance of the arrested development theoretical account for radius of dyer's rocket nugget Beginning DF Seq SS F P Arrested development Linear Square Interaction 6 0.08052 4.24 0.026 Residual mistake 9 0.02851 Lack of deficiency 5 0.02803 46.71 0.001 Pure error 4 0.00048 Entire 20 2.7535 S = 0.0562804 PRESS = 0.364343 R-Sq = 98.96 % R-Sq ( pred ) = 86.77 % R-Sq ( adj ) = 97.70 % Table 6.5: Analysis of variance of the arrested development theoretical account for radius of HAZ Beginning DF Seq SS F P Arrested development Linear Square Interaction 6 0.063802 11.43 0.001 Residual mistake 9 0.008375 Lack of deficiency 5 0.007564 7.46 0.037 Pure error 4 0.000811 Entire 20 0.479548 S = 0.0305052 PRESS = 0.166012 R-Sq = 98.25 % R-Sq ( pred ) = 65.38 % R-Sq ( adj ) = 96.12 % Table 6.4 shown the analysis of discrepancy ( ANOVA ) of the arrested development theoretical account for radius dyer's rocket nugget at equation 6.3.1 that obtained at 5 % important degree. Each variables which are additive, square, and interaction and the arrested development theoretical account shown P values is less than 0.05. That proved that it are statistically important. The tabular array 6.4 besides shows that the sample fluctuation of R-Sq is 98.96 % for % recovery. That is indicated to the regressors in the theoretical account merely 1.04 % of the entire variableness is non explained by the theoretical account. The value of R-Sq ( adj ) is 97.7 % at the tabular array 6.4 which contrasted 1.26 % from the value R-Sq that determined the theoretical account is extremely important. Table 6.5 is the analysis of discrepancy ( ANOVA ) of the arrested development theoretical account for radius Haz at equation 6.3.2 that besides obtained at 5 % important degree. The variables which are additive, square, and interaction and the arrested development theoretical account shown P values is less than 0.05. it besides proved that it are statistically important. The R-Sq in table 6.5 is 98.25 % for % recovery. That is indicated to the regressors in the theoretical account ony 1.8 % of the entire variableness is non explained by the theoretical account. The value R-Sq ( adj ) is 96.12 % at the tabular array 6.5 which besides contrasted 2.13 % from the value R-Sq Thai is determined the theoretical account is extremely important. The competency of theoretical account was besides examined from the normal chance secret plan of standardised remainders for dyer's rocket nugget and HAZ are shown in figure 6.6 and 6.7 below. Therefore, as shown in figure 6.6 and 6.7 all the points accumulated along a consecutive line and remainders. Figure 6.6 and 6.7 besides shows that all the fitted values are interior little magnitudes of +/- 0.06 for dyer's rocket nugget and +/- 0.04 for HAZ. These illustrate that A, B, C, AB, AC and BC for radius dyer's rocket nugget and A, B, C, AB and BC for radius HAZ are the lone important consequence and that the necessary arrested development premises are satisfied. Figure 6.6: Residual secret plan for dyer's rocket nugget Figure 6.7: Residual secret plan for HAZ Chapter VII CONCLUSION AND FUTHUR RECOMMENDATION 7.0 Decision In this survey, the consequence of the design parametric quantities which is weld current, weld clip, force and force that are affected the radius of dyer's rocket nugget and radius of heat affected zone ( HAZ ) of the topographic point welding were investigated. The multinomial theoretical accounts were developed to represent relationship between the response and its important factors. These theoretical accounts could be used to foretell public presentation of radius dyer's rocket nugget and radius of heat affected zone ( HAZ ) . The showing of assorted runing parametric quantities which is weld current, weld clip, force and hold clip of the development of radius dyer's rocket nugget and heat affected zone ( HAZ ) utilizing the 24 full fractional design were acknowledge that all the parametric quantities except hold clip were affected radius of dyer's rocket nugget and radius of heat affected zone ( HAZ ) significantly. A multinomial theoretical account for radius dyer's rocket nugget and heat affected zone ( HAZ ) as a map of the important parametric quantities were developed. And the value of R-Sq is 0.9896 and R-Sq ( adj ) is 0.9770 for dyer's rocket nugget and R-Sq is 0.985 and R-Sq ( adj ) is 0.9612 for heat affected zone ( HAZ ) . The arrested development theoretical account besides shows the high R-Sq values indicated that the theoretical account is extremely important and would be a good estimation of the response within the experimental subject studied. 7.1 Futher Recommendations Its is recommended that the probe of the topographic point welding parametric quantities to be continue with varied in other parametric quantities such as weld clip, stuffs, weld current and force. Particularly for stuffs besides can analyze for Advanced High Strength Steels ( AHSS ) such as DP780 and DP800due to their advantages which are to accomplish light burdening and improved structural public presentation. The nugget development and formation consequence is importance to calculate out systematically with the development of automotive engineering. Finally since the machine used in the machine is rather old and without a proper care, the RSW machine demands to be send to graduate once more. The electrode tip besides needs to re-align so that an optimal dyer's rocket nugget can be produce.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Discuss How the Passage Contributes to the Portrayl of Faustus as a Tragic Hero Essay

Discuss how the passage contributes to the portrayal of Faustus as a tragic hero, paying particular attention to Marlowe’s use of language. Marlowe uses language in the passage from Act Five, Scene One to portray Faustus as a tragic hero, his use of the techniques; enjambment, metaphors and rhythm show this portray. Marlowe uses enjambement to show Faustus as a tragic hero because he now regrets his choice to sell his soul this is shown in line 86-87, ‘whose sweet embracing may extinguish clean these thoughts that do dissuade me from my vow’ although Marlowe has written these as an attempt to blackmail Mephistopheles, the use of enjambement makes the line sound rushed which makes it sound more like a desperate plea thus showing how much Faustus regrets his decision, since this is near the end of the play this is suggesting that Faustus fears eternal suffering rather than actual remorse. Faustus asks for Helen to come to him to be his ‘paramour’ this suggests that Faustus is using his sexual desire in order to ‘shut out the truth that he cannot face’ again showing his fears of eternal suffering this shows Faustus as a tragic hero because he now regrets selling his soul to Lucifer and he can do nothing to stop his fate. Marlowe uses metaphors in order to show Faustus as a tragic hero as he shows Faustus’s desire to win back his soul even though he will not prevail. In line 95, ‘her lips suck forth my soul. See where it flies! shows Faustus desire to be free as flying is used as a connotation for freedom however the line also foreshadows the ending of the play as he is dragged in to hell, showing that Faustus is a tragic hero as he desires control over his soul again but will not be triumphant. The line 102-103 ‘yea I will wound Achilles in the heel and then return to Helen for a kiss’ is a metaphor used to show Faust us’s desire to win in the battle with Lucifer. Marlowe uses Achilles who had one weakness to show Faustus’s struggle and his desire to regain control of his soul in order to avoid eternal suffering thus depicting Faustus as a tragic hero. Marlowe uses rhythm of the play to show how quickly Faustus’s fate approaches him. In lines 98-99 Marlowe uses the image of a fast paced war to show Faustus will not win the battle for his soul ‘I will be Paris, and for love thee instead of Troy shall Wittenberg be sacked’ Faustus compares himself to Paris who was defeated in the battle of Troy, this foreshadows the ending of the play as it is Faustus who loses the battle for his conscience as it is now too late to repent. Marlowe also uses enjambement in this line to show the fast paced rhythm the way one line tumbles into the next shows time speeding up showing Faustus as a tragic hero. Marlowe uses certain techniques in language in order to portray Faustus as a tragic hero as he cannot change his fate even though he wishes to through enjambement, metaphors and rhythm.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

International Laws Of War Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Laws Of War - Research Paper Example The laws of war comprise of a grid of formal and informal laws, practices and norms observed for a long time (Pakistan Defence, 2015). It is not necessary to make the laws obsolete. Countries will still have military conflicts to be governed by these laws.  The technological change has lacked the ability to protect the civilian population during wars. Either because it has broken the traditional law of war or it has placed more civilians on the battlefield. Warfare observers have been confused causing them to adopt unrealistic expectations that see, to be forming into normative boundaries. The military in return reacts negatively to this trend because it places limitations on their activities. The balancing of the humanitarian concerns and the military activities is what causes the formation of the international humanitarian law of war. However, the technological changes will undermine some of the assumptions of the laws of war. The assumptions include the privacy of the state and the discipline of warfare. Another issue that could destabilize the laws of war is the question of whether war distinguishes between policing and acts of terror. Legal experts have begun to focus on the many questions brought up by the advancing technology use in the military. However, the lack of attribution has remained hard to tackle due to lack of proper legislation. It is particularly difficult to determine when a nation has faced an attack or the level of available evidence showing the identity of the attacker responsible.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Religion and Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religion and Education - Essay Example There have been many forms of educational training programs since the colonization era and from that time many changes have been witnessed. It was like in early 16th century when the need to adapt religious learning was felt the most and it was Thomas Jefferson who latter realized that religious education was an important aspect of daily life. At the beginning of the 16th century like in 1647, the Satan Act was passed which was a tax supported structure for educating/ funding the schools. This scheme made the young people read and understand bible. This was done in the colonial America which had other important types of education systems. These were the apprenticeships, dame schools, Latin grammar schools and higher colleges. The old deluder act stated that for towns which had around 50 families had to have a teacher who would make them learn to read and write and for towns which had 100 families had to establish a grammar school for the learners. There were foundations of Latin gram mar schools as well which had teachers that were near to the minister level and these schools practiced strict discipline. Further the point was that rote memorization was a fundamental there which in today’s world is by no chance a factor that can lead to excellence as today the world is more applicative and young people are made to formulate their own themes from the past experiences (Reed, James , and Prevost, 1993).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Interpersonal Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Interpersonal Theory - Essay Example During this stage, Freud believed, the Oedipus complex occurs in which the child desires the parent of the other sex and feels rivalry with the same-sex parent. When the Oedipus complex is resolved, the child identifies with the same-sex parent, but females retain a lingering sense of inferiority and "penis envy"—a notion contested by female psychoanalysts like Clara Thompson and Karen Horney (Wade & Travis, 1993). Carl Jung believed that people share a collective unconscious that contains universal memories and images, or archetypes. Personality, in this view, includes many archetypes, such as the shadow (evil) and the anima and animus. The object-relations school emphasizes the importance of the first two years of life, rather than the Oedipal phase; the infant’s relationships to important figures, especially the mother, rather than sexual needs and drives; and the problem in male development of breaking away from the mother (Guntrip, 1961). Thus individuals who are at various stages of development can experiences problems in having a well adjusted personality as well as having positive relationships with other people who are around them. Most of us have come in contact with people who seem to successfully irritate or frighten people away with their clinginess, significant lack of self esteem, and even anger and threatening behavior. Psychodynamic theories suggest that these individuals adapted this personality style by going through a childhood which was filled with anxiety (Guntrip, 1961). While this manner of dealing with others may have been beneficial in their youth, as adults it serves to almost guarantee their needs will not be met. There are three identified ways of dealing with the world that are formed by an upbringing in a neurotic family: Moving Toward People, Moving Against People, and Moving Away From People (Guntrip, 1961). Psychodynamic approaches have been criticized for

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Effect of Using Smart Technology in the Education System in Saudi Research Paper

The Effect of Using Smart Technology in the Education System in Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example The Effect of Using Smart Technology in the Education System in Saudi Arabia Education remains one of the most significant economic progress gauges in Saudi Arabia. This is apparent in the unremitting priority of the improvement and development of education. The usage of technology is fundamental to the progress and enhancement of the educational structure in Saudi Arabia. (Millson & Wilemon, 2008) Familiarizing SMART technology in the Saudi Arabian education structure is argued as being able to support teachers and learners in the process of accepting both technological modifications and new information. (Nastase, 2006). SMART technology also can improve the level of suppleness in the educational system, consequently improving the worth of education in an up-to-date Saudi Arabia. It is vital to incorporate technology efficiently and competently within the educational structure to progress the quality of student upshots. Some of the schools and Universities in Saudi Arabia that use Smart Technology are King Faisal University, King Khalid University and King Saud University. One of the key aims behind the relentless upsurge in reputation of smart classes is the point that this form of education is impeccable for all sorts of learners.The implementation of smart classes and up-to-the-minute technology simplifies the learning procedure for all students. This form of education in class encourages more communication between teacher and student with more involvement from both sides.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Domestic violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Domestic violence - Research Paper Example Owing to its legality, alcohol is a ubiquitous in many societies around the world and many individuals engage in alcohol consumption. In North America alcohol can be found in liquor stores, neighborhood convenience stores, grocery stores as well as in your local bar. Although alcohol is prevalent and easily accessible, it remains a harmful drug with the potential to kill, ruin lives and destroy families. Accordingly, one of the most insidious aspects of alcohol is that it is so freely available that we forget that it is a harmful drug with important health ramifications as well as a many important social consequences for individuals who choose to over indulge in alcohol. Alcohol-related fatalities remain an important concern across the globe and despite its ubiquitousness, alcohol abuse has been proven to lead to conflict and violence.2 Seeking to address the relationship between alcohol abuse and domestic violence, the following will, discuss alcoholism and provide a broad conceptual framework for our analysis. We then turn to a discussion of the dynamics of different types of alcohol-related conflicts, including the role that alcohol plays in perpetuating conflict with the family unit, with a spouse and with children Following this thorough discussion of the different dynamics and types of conflict caused by alcoholism, we turn to an in-depth discussion of the particular approaches used to deal with conflict. In this section we will explore the use of mediation as a method to deal with alcohol-related conflict. We will discuss groups such as Alcoholic’s Anonymous (â€Å"AA†) and the role that group mediation can play in resolving conflicts which have been brought on by alcohol abuse. We then turn to an analysis of family/group counseling and a discussion of the role of intervention in combating alco hol-related conflicts. With the goal of providing a holistic analysis to a complicated – yet increasingly

Monday, September 23, 2019

Equity and Debt slp Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Equity and Debt slp - Assignment Example How this is important can be understood from the following example. While considering a small project needing investment of $10 million, the company ABC has several alternatives beforehand. It has been forecast that the project is likely to generate operating profit of $3 million in a year excluding interest charge against debt portion of the capital. The company has two alternatives to fund the required investment. The company may choose 100% equity means all money will be provided by the shareholders. The company may issue 10 million shares to its shareholders each having a par value of $1. In another alternative, the company may choose 50% equity and 50% debt to fund the investment. Debt is available to the company at 10% interest rates to be paid annually. It will be interesting to see how the earnings per share of the company are affected in both situations. It is amply clear from the above chart that by incorporating debt to funding the project the firm has been able to enhance its earnings per share resulting into higher valuation in market place. By applying the same P/E multiple, the company’s equity valuation is higher by 66% when the project is funded with the debt equity ratio of 1:1 instead of 100% equity. But this does not mean that debt can be raised to any level to enhance the company valuation. The higher the debt means the higher interest burden on the company. This also means that if the project is not able to pay its interest costs as usually happens in severe recession then the project will be in jeopardy due to higher interest burden. This also means that project must choose an appropriate mix of debt and equity depending upon its profitability and industry norms. Considering an investment project of $150m that is capable of generating 5m and 10m of operating profits before interest payments in its first two years of operations is likely to suffer from liquidity issues when it adopts its funding

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Reading Responses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reading Responses - Assignment Example Further, her contentions that Clinton failed to gauge and evaluate the audience by not fitting the social norms were not appropriately substantiated. The audience would most predominantly be composed of both the male and female gender and the effectiveness of the speaker depends not solely on fitting the social norm, but in addressing the purpose of the speech that caters to the needs of the audience. The arguments that finally shift the blame to the American public for Clinton’s supposed failure as a rhetor was equally ludicrous. An effective rhetorical analysis should have used pathetic, logical and ethical appeals that are fair, objective and credible. Does it mean that because Clinton was manifesting her experience as a lawyer, expert, and advocate, she is already exhibiting a masculine speaking style? Do these roles and responsibilities only fit the male gender and render them befitting for

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Old Spice Essay Example for Free

Old Spice Essay Old Spice is one of the most popular companies in America that specializes in male grooming products. It was founded by William Lightfoot Schultz in 1934 and began by creating products for women in 1937, closely followed by male cologne in 1938. The company originated in the colonial times and chose the theme accordingly, thus the Colonial Sailing ship became the Old Spice trademark. It wasn’t until the 1990’s when Old Spice changed their colonial sailing ship to the more modern sailing ships and released many forms of deodorant, body wash and body sprays. During this time period Old Spice began advertising their products focusing on how men are continuously attempting to attract women. From 1990 to 2010 Old spice’s advertisements have gradually evolved in the way they entice men that their products will help men become more attractive to women. Through commercials Old Spice has convinced men that their products will aid in satisfying man’s greatest need, a woman. In 1996 Old Spice released a commercial of a man walking off a sailboat his back facing sun hiding his identity leaving the audience in suspense wondering who it was. At the same time they show a beautiful woman stumbling upon herself in a crowd in confusion looking for someone. Soon later she stops to catch her breathe and finds a man, a tall, well built man with a captains hat who is looking at a painting of a sail boat tossing and turning in the sea. Another man sees this confused woman and approaches her but unfortunately she walks away to the sailor. At this moment a deep dominating voice says, â€Å" Some men would rather live their lives sheltered in the harbor, and some would rather sail into life with the unmistakable scent of Old Spice.† As the couple walks away the other man walks to the painting and finds a bottle of Old Spice cologne and smiles. This commercial shows that the woman chose the sailor because he was wearing Old Spice cologne and shows men that there is still hope to find a woman. Old Spice also has a line of Body Spray, Deodorant, and Fragrance. On one of the body spray commercials two teenage boys were trying to ask the same girl out, one boy tried to read a poem and give her flowers while the other boy sprayed on Old Spice body spray and just sat next to her. He immediately won her heart. This advertisement implies that women are simply attracted to good smelling boys. About 12 years later Old Spice commercials emphasized on a different topic, they changed the idea of focusing on men getting women to how Old Spice makes you manlier. The commercial starts off with a skinny short young male dressed as Steve Urkel walking up to a sexy woman in a revealing dress. The woman says hi and instead of replying back the young man runs away in embarrassment making a weird high pitch noise. The camera then zooms out showing the popular LL Cool J, a massive muscular man. He admits that the embarrassing boy is him but says that was all before he started using Old Spice body spray and body wash. Emphasizing that the product made him manlier. Recently in 2010 Old Spice released a new commercial during the super bowl incorporating how Old Spice makes you manlier and can help get women. In this commercial; however, the character is not convincing the men but convincing the women. A tall, well built, dark man in a towel holding a bottle of Old Spice body wash. He addresses the women and asks questions which compare himself to there man and asks the women if their man should use Old Spice body wash. He then follows that question with other question such as; do you want a man who can bake your favorite cake in the kitchen he built with his hands? Then jumps into a hot tub doing a swan dive. The hot tub then falls down and we see him on a motorcycle holding a bottle of Old Spice body wash asking, â€Å" Well ladies should your man smell like an Old Spice man? You tell me†. In this commercial Old Spice shows that with their product a man could make a cake, built a kitchen with his hands, be able to jump into a hot tub which is shallow, and land on a motorcycle. This shows that Old Spice makes men manlier and women are attracted to manly men. This advertisement has evolved from the older commercials in the way that it no longer convinces men as well as women and yet keeps its main idea that Old Spice makes men manlier and attractive for women. Over time Old Spice has observed reality and adapted its commercials accordingly. They started off by trying to convince men that their products will help them attract women. Then went on to persuade men that it will make them manlier, with more confidence. In the present day Old Spice realized that women tend to buy their partners products so they aimed towards women inducing them with handsome attractive shirtless men persuading them to buy Old Spice products. From the first advertisement to the most recent one Old Spice has kept the same mentality in all of their advertisements.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Technology and Innovation in the Hospitality industry

Technology and Innovation in the Hospitality industry INTRODUCTION There are innovations that do not advance from the different sources. The addition consistent from analysis, arrangement and harder plan is all that can be discussed and presented as the practice of innovation. But this is all that charge be presented back it absolutely covers at least 90% of all able innovations. And the amazing performer in innovation, as in every added area, will be able abandoned if ashore in the conduct and skill of it. Purposeful, systematic innovations begin with the assay of the opportunities. It begins with cerebration through what I accept alleged the sources of avant-grade opportunities. In altered area, altered sources will accept altered accent at altered times. It is said that ‘very few of us accept Leonardo’s ability or genius and can apprehend that our notebooks alone will assure immortality.’ Innovation is conceptual as well as perceptual. On this earth, we can see a lot of technology based minds about us who we as well accredit to as ‘techno-freaks’, but basically they are the sole acumen for the luxuries that we get these days! If Edison wouldn’t have had agitated about the absence of ablaze about him again he would never have had invented the bulb. Same goes with every individual invention and discovery that has taken abode in this world back time immemorial. Technology according to me is what keeps man going and enjoying what he does. If work has no interest left in it then the situation will come one day that everything will stop from developing and remain in the same place for ages. Hospitality industry is a sector which needs constant updating, in this industry we are in 24/7 contact with the guests so we need to cater their demands and give them the best services that can possibly be given. 5 of such major developments of technologies that has contributed to the operational efficiency of global hospitality industry are discussed further. Chapter 2 Mobile Robots 2.1 Introduction: There is a growing interest in applying different concepts and techniques in assistant robots these days. Due to the increasing work load all the major companies and the hoteliers expect to have sharers which should have a number of characteristics such as easy reconfiguration, anatomy, robust perception systems and most importantly the ability to interact with humans. Automatic hotel assistant systems are based on a number of principles that help in the interaction with guests and service personnels to perform different tasks. Accompanying the guests to their rooms, providing them with usual information, delivering small items to the guests and showing them different points of interest in the hotel are some of the aspects that we get to see in such robots. Each robot can as well apart handle some regular appointed tasks. 2.2 Working: The robots can perform tasks based on the circumstances triggered by the buildings automation system (BAS) apart from the user generated and appointed tasks. A local network (Ethernet) connects the robots and the BAS to a central server. Creating and developing the system and testing it in different environments was done by Robotics Integrated Development Environment (RIDE). Service robots were mostly advised as humanoid administration able of allowance bodies in altered means with sophisticated communication systems. Over the past few years a few acknowledged examples of account robots appeared on market. These robots are chipped in the hotel building and affiliated to the central server via Wi-Fi. The guests can make a request for their need either by the terminal in their room or by directly interacting with the robot. From the terminal in their room, they can make a request for small items like newspapers or snacks. In this way the central server will receive the request made by the guests and thus decide which robot to send. While the robots are not working, they are connected to the charging stations. There is a task manager in the central server which will allocate the particular task to the robot else will queue it in case of unavailability. The robot will plan the work and move accordingly from the starting point which has the collection of the items asked for to the updating by the guest on the touch screen of the robot which indicates the end of the work i.e. the guest received his order. Further, the robot will check for the next task or else go back to the charging station . 2.3 Example: Sacarino, is a type of a robot which interacts with the guests using its touchscreen and the Loquendo voice recognition system. This robot includes a chat box which provides more detailed things that include the restaurant’s schedule, location of the shops, weather forecast and about the services that the hotel provides. These adaptable robots are acclimated by Hotel Novotel in Valladolid (Spain). 2.4 Future scope: According to the Uncanny Valley theory, robots should be made more human like in order to create a friendly atmosphere around so that the guests become increasingly positive and empathic towards the robot. Giving this human touch to the department of robotics will prove to be more beneficial in the near future. Chapter 3 Airfare Forecasting Feature 3.1 About Kayak: is a travel website which can be further stated as a travel metasearch engine operated by Kayak Software Corporation. On the 15th of January 2013 at 12.45 pm, launched an airfare forecasting feature in its website which they believe will help the travellers make the right decision. Kayak is not the first company to offer an airfare forecasting feature, in 2003, debuted an agnate concept, touting an all-embracing accurateness of about 75%, it was bought by Microsoft in 2008 which further became the base for Bing Travel. Kayak has two important aspects which makes it more efficient and powerful. The first one is the range of confidence level and the second one makes up the ability to initiate and develop new technologies to this feature due to the great financial horsepower which they inherited by the purchase of kayak by Priceline for $1.8 billion. Kayak is also superior in terms of tapping more information than what Bing actually does. 3.2 About the feature: This feature anticipates weather the price will rise or fall with a confidence level in the divination over the next seven days. For instance, flights from A to B has 1200 flight options along with a graph showing the price trends and an inscription reading ‘price may rise in 7 days’ with a suggestion besides it as ‘book now’. Further clicking on the graph a set of information is revealed which talks about the price trend history over a particular period with the confidence level saying that the price may rise or fall within a certain approximation amount. Being a very useful tool, this feature of kayak has almost 1 billion searches annually. 3.3 Basis: Kayak states that it developed the forecasts with the help of mathematical models and algorithms that are based on past pricing history from sources like online travel agents, wholesalers, low cost carriers and reservation systems. 3.4 AFF (Confidence level): This tool of kayak covers roughly 50% of the searches for the flights done by the people on the site. The confidence level of this particular feature ranges from 55% to 95%. However high the confidence level is, no system can be 100% accurate so there is always a scope for error and improvement. Hence, kayak always tells their customers to book it if they see a good price. 3.5 Impact after usage: After using this feature, the travellers are happy because it saves their time and helps them in every possible way. The prediction of rise/fall of the prices helps them make a better decision. In this way, not only Kayak is benefitted by getting an ample number of searches but also the customers are satisfied because of the fulfilment of their needs which primarily includes saving money! Chapter 4 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) 4.1 Introduction: Due of the increasing demands, there is an increase in the pollution as well as degradation of the natural things observed. The hotels are the prime places where we cannot compromise for luxury or even for the demand of the guests for that matter. In this case, the safeguarding of nature is almost impossible! For such a crisis Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) came up with a program in which the hotels would be rated according to their efficiency and the level of maintaining the green buildings and use the resources efficiently. 4.2 Criteria for certification: Based on the location, environmental awareness and applications, construction and the designs of the buildings, the hotels are judged. The hotels eligible for this certificate have to share all the details of the energy and water used by them over a certain period of specified time. It is not at all easy to get through this. Only two hotels in US are certified by LEED till date. 4.3 Hotels in US certified by LEED: They are Proximity Hotel in Greensboro, North Carolina and the Bardessono Hotel in Yountville, California. 4.4 The Bardessono: The Bardessono, a boutique hotel in Napa Valley was given the LEED platinum certification by the US Green building council in 2010. This hotel uses a 200 kilowatt solar power system. There are about 947 solar panels mounted on the hotels flat roof top. These solar panels make the hotel almost invisible to the neighbours. There are geothermal systems installed along with these solar panels which provides cooling and heating to the rooms. 4.5 Impact and scope: In order to get the LEED certification, the hotels have started adopting the different ways and applications of green technology. Water conservation which was the major issue since ages is now being taken under consideration. LEED contributes to the environmental safeguarding to a great extent thus giving the hotels a wider scope for developing in this area, developing the â€Å"green building† theory. Chapter 5 Decision Support System 5.1 Introduction: The awfully increasing number of allowance (hotel rooms) bookings are not alone intensifying the competition in the travel industry, but as well alert travel intermediates (i.e. e-companies that accumulate information about altered travel products from altered travel suppliers) into the fierce competition of travel products i.e. hotel rooms for the best prices. A GIS (Geographic Information System) based decision support system is used by hotels now-a-days that using essential location and hotel characteristics can predict objective rates of rooms of the hotel and anticipate temporal room rate prices. The temporal anticipation of room rates can be used for calibrating the cost of the future contract by examining the hotel room rate history. 5.2 Working: DSS unites a widely used data mining framework that allocates access to many of ready to run algorithms that a domain expert uses and it presents the possibility of attaching new algorithms once they are matured. This system has been created and evaluated in co-operation with companies where travel technology solutions are generated, specifically catalogue management and costing solutions for many websites and travel agencies worldwide. In DSS, by accessing all the required data from the corporate database, the analyst is able to choose the section of investigation. It permits him to add additional data that he thinks is significant in the analysis. Such data could be the things of interest around the hotels, availability of the transportation, historical places etc. 5.3 GIS: The GIS technology was specifically used for estimating the distance between the properties and mapping (Sarip, 2005). GIS was segregated into an automated process for property valuation (Gracia et al., 2008) which allocates support in adjustment to ascribe and layer spatial data; to represent compound spatial relations; to examine spatial data and to show that data in the form of maps (Densham, 1991). 5.4 Models: Two types of models form the basis of the GIS based decision support system viz., the one on hedonic pricing theory which is made up of the hotel’s intrinsic characteristics (amenities, facilities) and different locational characteristics (museums, restaurants) And the second model is made up of the historical room rates of the hotels. Chapter 6 Streamlined RFP Technology 6.1 Introduction: On the 14th of April, 2010, Cvent, a prime event provider of online event administration, website selection and event sourcing solutions, has extended its association with Hyatt by merging the Cvent Supplier Network, as electronic Request For Proposal (RFP) program for events and meetings, with Envision, a point of sale propriety sales application of Hyatt. After Hyatt experienced a substantial increase in group business RFP volume as an aftereffect of retailing its hotels on the Cvent Supplier Network, this technological affiliation was established in 2009. With the rush of group business leads being sent to Hyatt Hotels, an amalgamated solution was essential to seamlessly transform the RFP’s of Cvent to the in-house sales application at Hyatt. 6.2 Working: This affiliation permits for a seamless shift of data between Cvent and Envision, so that all RFP’s directed to full service Hyatt properties via Cvent Suppliers Network will automatically arise in the Envision System, says the Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Cvent, Chuck Ghoorah. Sales delegates at Hyatt will be able to review Cvent RFP’s inside the Envision database, accelerating the accuracy and reaction time in reproducing. The Envision database comprises data about guests and also the Hyatt hotel features which include guestrooms, banquet and meetings bookings and moreover the agendas for Hyatt properties globally. 6.3 Impact after usage: With this integrating of the RFP program, the Hyatt properties can save a lot of time. They no longer have to go on Cvent every time to check for their bookings for events and meetings, these directly are transferred to their software, Envision, thus simplifying a lot of things. Chapter 7 Summary Technologies have always played a vital role in the development of mankind. They not only make people well upgraded but also quick paced in this competitive world. The good old days of simplicity are slowly fading away and all people want is the top most luxuries and facilities that anyone can ever get or even think about. Five of such technologies that have contributed to the operational efficiency in the global hospitality industry have been discussed above. This generation is supposed to be the time when all the ideas and the theories were to be converted into practical and it is happening likewise. The time is not far when technologies along with the applications and systems will overpower man. Then, the terms of luxury and comfort will have a different meaning altogether.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Story about Intangible Things Essay -- Autobiography Essay, Personal Na

Intangibility used to be a focus of mine. I lived for the things that were fleeting and impossible to categorize. I was free of the constraints of anything and everything, from language to thought. I found beauty in the things you could not touch and could not even grasp your mind around fully. Now I feel so far removed, I need something to grab on to. I need something I can touch and know is real, solid, and there--something permanent. It is like being stuck in an Impressionist painting. Nothing is solid because everything is momentary and instantaneous. That was the sort of thing I once reveled in. However, things are too muddled now for enjoying intangibility. I simply want comfort and firmness. I need a rock to hold on to or I am afraid I cannot come back. The air was particularly sticky that day. That sticky air was also accompanied by a sticky feeling--a type of feeling that was foreign to me until that moment. I sauntered up the brick steps and doubtfully opened the front door to my house. â€Å"Sweetie... Come upstairs,† said my mom in a voice that was all too familiar. The word sweetie, when used by my mother, never meant good news. I walked up the stairs. There were fourteen of them, and I walked slow, taking in each and every small step. Eventually, I reached the top. I sat down on my bed indian-style and waited for the news I expected but did not want to hear. â€Å"Kacie, your father and I are getting a divorce.† When those words finally came out of her mouth, it was as if I could have read the dictionary one hundred times and still be at a loss for words. All I felt was gaping holes where consciousness should be. It was like when you go to see a movie and you come out a few hours later blinking, lost, and wondering to you... ... is constantly radiating with happiness. The rain cloud that was lurking over my dad’s head for the past year has now been replaced with rainbow. And me, well, strange memories and waves of nostalgia tainted with deja vu have been hitting me frequently. Sometimes, I long for the days that my dad, mom, sister, and I would spend together--all four us, one happy family. I could try to blame it on the lack of sleep or nourishment, but I actually think I’ve developed the â€Å"Peter Pan Syndrome,† or rather the â€Å"Peter Pan Syndrome† already encoded within me has simply grown and developed, like a small tumor of now epic proportions. When am I going to let go and truly grow up? Nevertheless, every now and then I look back at my life and come across a blank spot where I lost myself, like skips on a scratched CD. Even though I’m happy, that blank spot never fails to hurt like hell.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Anti-semitism And Sartre :: essays research papers

In Sartre's Anti-Semite and Jew, he makes reference to the notion that anti-Semitism arises not against individual Jews, but against the " idea of the Jew." That is to say that the Jew is recognized only as a member of a group associated with fear and disgust, not as an individual capable of being anything but the stereotype of the Jew. I agree with Sartre's theory as I have seen first hand the disgust associated with being Jewish. The Jew is judged not by his action or words but simply by the fact that he is a Jew, and the preconceived idea of what this means. As discussed in class, Jews have been used as scapegoats throughout history. They have been blamed for countless economical and social problems simply because of the predisposition towards anti-Semitism that most have. To understand this predisposition is easy. It has come from years of unwillingness to assimilate by the Jews. Because of this unwillingness, the Jews have come to be recognized as different and therefore bad, because, as discussed in class, most identify easiest with what is different with the automatic assumption that it is bad. I think another reason for this assumption is the fact that it is easier to judge people than to understand them, as we can clearly see gentiles have done continuously throughout history to the Jews.Consequently, throughout history, the anti-Semite has come to adopt an "idea of the Jew", of his nature, and of his role in society. As Sartre explains, "the Jew whom the anti-Semite wishes to lay hands upon is not a schematic being defined solely by his function, as under administrative law; or by status or acts, as under the Code. He is a Jew, the son of a Jew, recognizable by his physique, by the colour of his hair, by his clothing perhaps, and, so they say, by his character." To the anti-Semite, the Jew's character is oily, tactless, intriguing, selfish and greedy. He believes that all Jews are this way, and therefore treats them all the same, with hatred and repulsion. While a Jew might be a successful business man, a doctor, lawyer, or teacher etc. he is also a Jew, and that is all he is recognized for in the eyes of the anti-Semite.Furthermore, Sartre argues that "if the Jew did not exist, the Anti-Semite would invent him." This is self explanatory by the fact that Jews have been used as scapegoats and will continuously be used as such in the future.